Marry Me... Reason #79
The Four Horseman of Marriage
There are "Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse" in the book of Revelation that bring terror and destruction into the world. As I've studied marriages, I believe there are "Four Horsemen" that threaten to trample the romance for every couple. The first is sin: romance dies when you and your spouse become so wounded or disillusioned that you become calloused - your soul mate becomes a roommate. The second is age: romance dies when you focus more on the outer beauty than on the inner beauty. The third horseman is laziness: romance dies when your daily routines push out or sap your strength. The final is forgetfulness: romance dies a sad death when you take your spouse for granted and forget that they are a precious gift from God. Finish Strong!
This is from Tom Nelson's Song of Solomon series.
I will always keep an eye out for the Four Horseman.
Man, that's good stuff. Thanks for the reminder Eddo.
Sounded like Tommy Nelson...
I went to his church in college. He always had good analogies.
This is SO true. I really wish more men thought about things like this, and paid attention as you do. When you get married, you will be The Ideal Husband. I truly believe that.
I just don't understand why you haven't been tagged and branded yet...
I agree with amstaff mom. This IS good stuff! And yeah, why haven't you been snatched yet? :)
I keep looking for someone amazing to settle down with... if you are amazing, then drop me a line. You know, Eddo dear, you really need to change this now that... you know... Cat... *wink wink*
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